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330 MW Crated, Un-Used Steam Fired Turbine Generator, Mothballed in TN.


Our client came to us paying for expensive storage for an unused, crated 330MW steam-fired Alsom turbine generator. Manufactured in Germany, the equipment had no universal model nor were part numbers available, as they are very unique with limited global users.

AMS Group Solution:

To remedy our client’s situation, AMS began by assuming our client’s rent feeds for equipment storage and utilizing our skilled rigging and demo crews to transfer items out of storage for processing on-site. We inventoried the entire stock, thoroughly logging and translating all pertinent equipment details. The AMS equipment resale team then rolled out a global, auction-style sale, facilitating viewing across multiple platforms for client access. To reduce carbon footprint and offset expensive rent, the items that were likely not to sell were recycled.

Upon completion, the AMS team reported zero incidents and zero lost time on this project. We maintained and maximized value with the 7 R’s - Reuse, recondition, return, resell, reclaim, recycle, and, finally, remove.


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